Tokyo Marui shows on the Shizuoka Hobby Show their first Gas Blowback rifle the M4A1 MWS (MODULAR WEAPON SYSTEM) with a brandnew system Cerakote coating.
Main Features - M4A1 MWS
- Redesigned Blowback mechanism only for Assault Rifle. (Existing Blowback mechanisms are for Gas Blowback Hand Gun and MP7A1.)
- Full (14 shots per second) and semi-automatic is selective fire.
- Magazine capacity is 30-40rounds. (Undetermined).
- Magazine is made of aluminum die-casting.
- You can charge HFC134a gas and BB Bullet in magazine.
- The capacity of magazine is 40 rounds. (Not yet determined)
- Upper receiver, Lower receiver, Outerbarrel (SOCOM Step Barrel), R.A.S. are made from metal. Injection molding is newly made for M4A1 MWS (Outerbarrel and R.A.S. are finished by CNC). We took measurements of a real gun (size and detail) as real as we can.
- Receiver was coated with Cerakote like real gun.
- Receiver’s takedown is possible like a real gun.
- A re-created heat shield on the bottom of inside of R.A.S..
- Re-created the detail as much as possible.
- Adjusted Hop-Up is using hop dial that is inside of ejection port. They took care that the dial is not seen when the port cover is opened. While adjusting the dial, preventing squeeze fingers, Lock function (Forward Assist Knob Safety) is installed when the bolt is opened. This function is different from Bolt catch.
- Lots of parts are compatible with existing Tokyo Marui parts.(Eg: NEG M4 stock, other optional parts)
- Adjustable for recoil shock and shooting quality.